View Profile Duck-Man

26 Movie Reviews w/ Response

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That's good but...

Why are they never running ??? That's kinda annoying see them always walk like if nothing happen makes them run... Like in part 4 when Bat learn that Jonh is in the plain why does he walk he shoulds run It will you know make the things kinda more serious...

MaxR responds:

hes in no hurry. I dont know, I played many RPGS, and I always see ppl walking.

That was good...

The first song (the one when Edgar said to setzer to steal the ship) was the main song of Chrono Cross right ??

HAcoreRD responds:

Yes, your correct. I never listed it in credits, not the other CT music because I forgot.


C koi cette farce lol ? Jme su kan meme marré lol... Les début sont parfois difficile mais ta fini en vrai dieu Jpense entre autre a punk o matic pi a another psycho... Stai koi la tune lol c tellement le genre de tune kon chante kan on é heureux ou kon a rein a faire en tk marant... pi a cose de another psycho sa dlair ke chu "Nosy" lol... En tk c koi ton prochain projet pi ds a peu rpes kombien de temps i sort paske t truc sont vraiment malade !!! Tk chow

Evil-Dog responds:

haha et oui il faut commencer quelque part :) Ya quelque projet qui s'en vienne alors reste dans le coin. Je sais pas quand...

Well done but...

There is still things to do:
- Hmm as I tell you last time you should had music (a bit of metal when he really wants to kill the red guy and other thing like that) and keep the sound of the car...
- Talking about the sound, the care sour where kinda anoying you should the volume of the car sound but they were well choose... But you should put more sound sound effect like when a magical car appear or when the guy got shot in the head...
-The graphic were better than the last time...
-I know this is work but you should put more guy and kill them...
-Finally you should ameliorate the animation like smooter movement...

You did a great job and you are surely doing a better job than I will ever do...

STA-Baller responds:

Thanks for the suggestions, this is the kind of reviews I was looking for.

Shit I wasn't take (Duck_eat_shit was me)

One thing is sure, Squall was bad lol... Anyway did you create an ending because you couldn't choose a winner ??? Anyway the thing with your dog was funny... Great job once again !!!! AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY OF NEWGROUNDS (Maybe I'm on the wrong date but the intention is there !)

Knox responds:

i had it planned the whole time..i know..im bad..oh well...

Jpense pas que tu lise mais anyway...

Stai trop bon mon gars !! enfin un québécois quié reocnnu su newgrounds !! Yétais cool aussi le poster de strike anywhere mais change is a sound yé pas mal meilleur que exit english... Tk jia pas mal rie kan le gars i smet a rire comme un défoncé... Haha continu d'en faire dememe pi en passant laffaire du concierge aussi stai comic ! T'aurais pas des band a me conseiller jten manke de band tsé, des band que personne connaitrais paske la jconnais pas mal de band mais i men manke pi jveux du nouveau... tk chow

Bonne job !!!!

Evil-Dog responds:

bah non tu connais surement plus de band que moi hehe

Liquid bitch hahaha

Well it sure was not the greatest movie you made but I laugh so hard with your response to the others bitch... It sure was funny but why are you wasting your time to answer those guy... We all know that they are retard who want to impress people around... To the guy who hate sprites why do watch his movie you have better thing to do like: Hang yourself, Fuck a sheep because we all know that you can't do better or just get beat by your mom cause you're the worst thing that happen in her life...

But i'm agree with skin you should have ended your final fantasy serie after the 6th one...

(sorry if there error it's because I talk french and I only learn english at school)


Vinstigator responds:

Heh, thanks for the support :)

I'll fuckin kill you...

If you don't make more soon !!!! Fuckin awesome can't wait for the others... Are part 2 and 3 and 4 coming soon ?

mlaskaris responds:

I keep getting these threats...

Part two should be out late March, if I can get off my butt and record the narration. About 75% of the art is in draft, so I should be able to bash it together pretty quickly once all of the sound is recorded.


it was good but better graphic and add a music in background... and also make more dude with more way to see them die but anyay it was gret a nd i gave it a 3 but im sure you will do better man... good job :)

STA-Baller responds:

yes, the music, i know I should have put some in, but, I wanted the car sounds to stand out, but i know I should have put sum music at the loading screen and the ending.


That was great and I almost forgot but HAPPY BIRTHDAY KNOX (I know I'm late but anyway the squirrel don't fly(?)) Great thing and I just cant wait for the las knox klay world !!!!! HAPPY CHRISSSSSTMMMMMAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSS !!!!!!

Knox responds:

im 55 seconds into it :)

I'm an insane person... Look after your children or they might end up in my tummy... Come here little Tommy!

Age 35, Male

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Boucherville, Qc, Canada

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