View Profile Duck-Man

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67 Movie Reviews


Content de voir que tu l'as enfin terminer! Can't wait for #2! Tu checkeras pour ajouter une couple de son! Continu man, sa va bien!

GoreAddict responds:

Ca fait du bien kek anims du quebec de temps en temps ^^

Awesome and finally...

THEY RUN!!! I was always wondering why do they never run... anyway great movie guys! Hope to see the others faster... we will right? Good luck to you guys!

MaxR responds:

we hope we will.

An easy 10... REALLY EASY!

Well subtitles were cool but I can only talk French (Mother tongue) and a bit of English so the other one were kinda useless for me... But I'm pretty sure a lot of people around the world enjoy them! Man this is like an international movie and I think it's the first one on newgrounds! Good job!!!

By the way, I saw your working for Ubisoft so humm what are the next project? Are you working on Splinter Cell Chaos Theory? Man I can't wait this game and Pop 3... Anyway that was the useless part of this review!

Can't wait to see more from you and your friends! What is your next project?

You're giving a good reputation to Quebec and Montreal wich is cool! Long live you!!


P.s: Good luck in the future project, I hope to see more from you soon and just like the lost kids from the movie "Captain Hook" would say, "BANGARANG Evil-Dog!!!"

Recent Game Reviews

17 Game Reviews

Man, I think you juste realise one of your dream!

You finally made it Afro! #1 in the portal! Good job! This game rock! Except for the fack that it get boring after a while but it was fun!


I spend 1 full hour to finish this game, it rocks! Thacks for the entertainement!

Fuck off Frank adventure!!

Long live POWERFOX!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway FA was boring after a while... this is not!! Continu man, we love you!!

Recent Audio Reviews

4 Audio Reviews


Dude, I love everything you are doing, I sincerely hope you are in a band and if yes what is your name? J'aimerais bien checker votre monté dans la scène Montréalaise! Ou whatever ou au Québec!

COntinue de meme tu rock en sacrament!

(By the way some news about Punk-o-matic 2?)

Evil-Dog responds:

hey dude i don't think you'll read this but my band is Chucks Nation and we're doing a show on march 10th 2006 in Montreal at the club saphir, haha be there! :P

En tant que fan de prince of persia

Je considere ceci comme excellent... Le seul hic, c'est que maintenant, prince of persia, les jeux sont beaucoup plus aventure alors les chanson devienne dison plus entrainante. Mais je comprend ce que tu as fait et c'est excellent.

Excellent travail, toi et le gars de bitey of brackenwood devrier travailler ensemble, tous les 2, vous faite votre musique et tous les deux vous fêtes des flash de très haute qualité.

En bref ta prochaine tune dédié a prince of persia, faudrait que quand on l'écoute, qui nous vien en tete c'est "J,ai salement le gout de courir pi de partir a l'aventure!"

Bonne chance!

P.s: À quand Punk-o-Matic 2?

Hmm not bad !!

That was even good but damn man that sound so much like less than jake the horn sound almost the same but man put more bass because in ska bass is fuckin important like in almost every style lol but tell to your bass player : "Hey man you see that thing, that thing thing where it's write volume ? Well turn this clockwise so we can hear you !!!" As I can see you listen Bigwig well for that you really have my respect because it's really the fuckin best band ever !! And last advice keep the good job !!!

I'm an insane person... Look after your children or they might end up in my tummy... Come here little Tommy!

Age 35, Male

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Boucherville, Qc, Canada

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